North Fork Democratic Club Bylaws

North Fork Democratic Club Bylaws

The name of this organization shall be the North Fork Democratic Club.

The North Fork Democratic Club is a non-profit political committee.


Section 1. Preamble

We believe that of the two major parties, the Democratic Party is the best home for those devoted to securing fair and equal treatment for all people.

Section 2. Our Mission

We, as The North Fork Democratic Club are devoted to advancing equal rights for all people.

We support the Democratic Party and those Democratic candidates who support our mission.

We will strive to realize these goals:

· To educate this community, and others about the significant differences between the two major parties on issues of concern to this community.

· To lead the Democratic Party to improve its record on issues of importance to this community.

· To work for the nomination of Democratic candidates at all levels who will be fully supportive of the struggle against bigotry and intolerance.

· To encourage our community to support and vote for Democratic candidates who are committed to defeating prejudice and economic injustice.

· To work with other groups and individuals to promote these goals.


Section 1. Qualifications

Any person who subscribes to the principles outlined in the mission statement and is not delinquent in payment of dues shall be considered a member or an associate.

Section 2. Categories

· Members. Those persons who are registered members of the Democratic Party and are not delinquent in payment of membership dues.

· Associates. Those persons who are not registered members of the Democratic Party but subscribe to the principles outlined in the mission statement and are not delinquent in payment of dues. Associate members are not counted toward chartering purposes, may not vote, are not counted toward a quorum, and may not hold office in The North Fork Democratic Club.

Section 3. Dues

Dues shall be $15.00 dollars for membership for one year.


Section 1. The Executive Board shall consist of the following officers:

· President. The President shall preside over meetings.

· Vice President. The Vice President shall preside over meetings in the Presidents absence and shall become President should the office become vacant.

· Secretary. The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings and records of correspondence.

· Treasurer. The Treasurer shall have fiduciary responsibility for funds and finances.

· Member-At-Large.  The Member-At-Large shall deliberate and vote with the other members for purposes of making Executive Board decisions.

Section 2. Election.

The Executive Board Members shall be elected by a simple majority vote of those members in good standing in attendance at the organizational meeting and by a simple majority of those attending the  annual meeting for the election of officers where a quorum is present.

Section 3. Nominations.

Nominations shall be by any voting member. Subsequent to officers chosen at the organizational meeting, nominations shall be made at a regular monthly meeting of the general membership no later than one month prior to the annual meeting date which shall be determined by the Executive Board.

Section 4. Qualifications.

Any member may become an Officer.

Section 5. Removal from office.

Any Officer may be removed from office upon petition by one half plus one of the entire voting membership or by the agreement of the other four members of the Executive Board, or by agreement of three members of the Executive Board who shall conduct a written poll of the entire voting membership and in which case a majority plus one of the entire membership shall be sufficient for removal.

Section 6. Term of office.

Officers shall serve for 1 Year.

Section 7. Quorum.

The quorum of the Executive Board shall be three or more members.


For a regular member’s meeting no quorum shall be required unless a vote is required and then it shall be twenty percent (20%) of the entire membership.


Bylaw changes may be proposed by any voting member provided they are agreed to by a majority in attendance at a regular meeting where a quorum is present and are sent in writing to all members for consideration at the next regular meeting where they must be approved by a majority vote where a quorum is present.
The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the FSD in all situations in which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and federal, state,
county, and city laws.

The North Fork Democratic Club shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, sex, ethnicity, age, disability, social or economic status, marital status, or sexual orientation.

Bylaws Adopted May 12, 2005